The Dongchuan Debris Flow Observation and Research Station (DDFORS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, locates in Dongchuan District, Kunming, Yunnan Province of China (N26°14’, E103°08’), is a facility of the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). DDFORS won the first-class award and became an Open Field Observation Station of CAS in 1988, and was further authorized to be the State Key Field Observation Station in 2000. This is the sole automatic field observation station of debris flow in China. Since 1960, continual observations of field debris flows that occurred in the Jiangjia Ravine have been conducted for more than sixty years. Debris flow initiation, transportation, and deposition have been monitored. Meanwhile, forecasting, warning, and mitigation of debris flows have also been carried out.
DDFORS is focused on disaster reduction for the southwestern mountainous region in China. The station's research is aimed at studying the complete process of debris flow, including the mechanisms of formation, dynamic models, material transport, and geomorphic response, as well as the development patterns and disaster mechanisms under abnormal geological events and extreme climates. Through this research, the station aims to develop reliable theories for debris flow risk assessment, monitoring, and early warning.
